Writing Adventures #1: Creating A Success Journal

Success Journal

Image Credit: Stacia Pierce

Welcome to a new series on Hot Shot Headlines!

After my rousing success with my first-ever Camp NaNoWriMo in April, I’ve decided to make more writing happen in 2018. I’m determined to finish the novel that I started in 2012, and outline the other novels I have in development. I have so many ideas!

So, when I stumbled upon this post from What Inspires Your Writing last week, I figured that starting with a success journal was a logical first step.

Here’s the link to their post:

I love this idea of a success journal!

In fact, I already kind of have one, but I haven’t written anything in it yet.

And, a success journal is certainly not limited to writing. Not at all! I encourage anyone to keep a journal, diary, whatever works for you. Writing is like therapy for me, so it makes sense that I document my progress, my successes, and my failures!

So, I’ll be posting about my writing adventures periodically on the blog. My initial goal is to post about once a month, at least in the beginning. And then, we’ll see what happens.

I’m excited to take my success journal everywhere I go!

Check back here about a month from now, and we’ll see what adventures I’ve gone on, and what adventures are to come.

Thanks for following along on this exciting journey!

Do you have a success journal?

Are you writing anything special?

Until the next headline, Laura Beth 🙂

6 thoughts on “Writing Adventures #1: Creating A Success Journal

  1. I love this idea!! I do not have a success journal but you’ve inspired me to start one!! I’m like you, I have a lot of writing projects going on!

  2. This sounds like an assignment we had in the Stress Management course I took – every day we had to write down 3 Good Things that happened. I like the slight change to make it more about writing, though!! 🙂

  3. Pingback: Writing Adventures #2: Discovering Evernote – Hot Shot Headlines

  4. Pingback: Writing Adventures #3: Finishing The First Draft of My 2012 WIP – Hot Shot Headlines

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